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3. Communicating With the DC-Series Cameras

3.1 DC265

The DC265 provides mechanisms for data transfer via standard RS232 serial port, USB (Universal Serial Bus) and IrDA (infrared) interface. Additionally, images may be offloaded from the camera through the removal of the camera's Compact Flash Card and use of a Compact Flash PC Card Adapter in a PC Card reader or notebook PC Card slot. Currently this camera is supported by OpenDiS for USB and Serial data transfer.

Serial Camera Control

Additional notes regarding transfer of data from the DC265 camera using RS232 serial support will be added in a future version of this HOWTO. See the OpenDiS subsection of the Software section of the HOWTO for information regarding serial camera control.

2.2.14 Kernel USB Support

At the moment the USB implementation in the 2.2.x series is insufficient and substantially out of date. As such, most USB devices are unsupported natively with the included drivers. However there is a patch available for the 2.2.14 kernel.

What software is needed (if not already present):

  1. usb-2.3.44-for-2.2.14.diff.gz
  2. Linux Kernel 2.2.14
  3. OpenDiS 0.0.3

This document assumes a working knowledge of kernel and program compiling. If unfamiliar with the process please go and read the Kernel-HOWTO.

Applying the patch:

cp usb-2.3.44-for-2.2.14.diff.gz /usr/src
gunzip /usr/src/usb-2.3.44-for-2.2.14.diff.gz
cd /usr/src
patch -p0 < usb-2.3.44-for-2.2.14.diff

Select the following to be built as either modules or part of your kernel:

  1. Support for your USB controller (It is suggested that all of these be compiled as modules unless the controller type is known.).
  2. USB Kodak DC-2xx Camera Support.
  3. Preliminary USB Device Filesystem.

Reboot the system and then load the created modules if the support is not compiled into the kernel. To load the modules do the following:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/usb/usbcore.o

Use the following if the USB controller uses either an Intel or a VIA chipset. Some others may also be supported:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/usb/usb-uhci.o 

Use the following if the above did not work and this is the controller type:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/usb/uhci.o 

Use this if the USB controller uses an SiS chipset, is a Compaq, or because the above two didn't seem to work and this is the only option left to try.

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/usb/usb-ohci-hcd.o

Load the module for Kodak Digital Camera support:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14/usb/dc2xx.o

Mount the USB Device Filesystem:

mount -t usbdevfs ignored /proc/bus/usb

2.3.46 kernel USB Support

The 2.3.x kernel series is the developmental branch of the kernel. As such it is suggested not to run this kernel series unless the backport of the USB driver does not work.

What software is needed (if not already present.):

Linux Kernel 2.3.46

This document assumes a working knowledge of kernel and program compiling. If unfamiliar with the process please go and read the Kernel-HOWTO.

Select the following to be built as either modules or part of your kernel:

  1. Support for the USB controller (It is suggested to compile all of these as modules if the controller type is unknown.).
  2. USB Kodak DC-2xx Camera Support.
  3. Preliminary USB Device Filesystem.

Reboot your system and then load the created modules if not compiled into the kernel. To load the modules do the following:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.3.46/usb/usbcore.o

Use this if the USB controller uses either an Intel or a VIA chipset. Some others may also be supported.

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.3.46/usb/usb-uhci.o 

Use the following if the above did not work and it is your controller type:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.3.46/usb/uhci.o 

Use this if the USB controller uses and SiS chipset, is a Compaq, or because the above two didn't seem to work and there is only one option left to try.

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.3.46/usb/usb-ohci-hcd.o 

Load the module for Kodak Digital Camera support:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.3.46/usb/dc2xx.o

Mount the USB Device Filesystem:

mount -t usbdevfs ignored /proc/bus/usb

Kernel Devices

The following is a bash shell script designed to create all 16 Kodak devices for use with both the current 2.3.x kernel series and 2.2.14 with the current USB backport. Copy the text below into a file named MakeKodakDev, then make that file executable by typing 'chmod +x MakeKodakDev' and then run the script ./MakeKodakDev as root (or su'd to root) it will create the devices so they don't have to be made individually by hand.

It creates as per the dc2xx.txt file in the kernel documentation the following 16 devices:

/dev/kodak00 type=character major=180 minor=80


/dev/kodak15 type=character major=180 minor=95

# Filename: MakeKodakDev
# Last Modified February 16, 2000
# Please see the Kodak Digital Camera HOWTO for more information
export scrapvar=0
while [ $scrapvar -lt 17 ];
    if [ $scrapvar -lt 10 ];
        mknod -m 0666 /dev/kodak0$scrapvar c 180 $(( $scrapvar + 80))
        mknod -m 0666 /dev/kodak$scrapvar c 180 $(( $scrapvar + 80 ))
scrapvar=$(( $scrapvar + 1 ))

3.2 Compact Flash PC Card Adapter

This section is for those who wish to utilize maximum data transfer rate and save the battery power in the camera's batteries. This method of picture access only allows for storage, retrieval, and deletion of images on a Compact Flash Card. These instructions are tested with a Kodak 16 MB Picture Card and a SanDisk CompactFlash PC Card Adapter on a Dell Inspiron 7000 notebook computer.

What software is needed (if not already present):

  1. PCMCIA-CS-3.1.11

This document assumes a working knowledge of kernel and program compiling. If unfamiliar with the process it is strongly suggested to go and read the Kernel-HOWTO.

Select the following to be built as either modules or part of your kernel:

  1. DOS FAT fs support
  2. VFAT (Windows-95) fs support

Reboot the system and then load the created modules each time access to the compact flash card is desired if the support is not compiled into the kernel. To load the modules do the following:

/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/fat.o
/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/vfat.o

Compile and configure PCMCIA-CS. This part of the process is beyond the scope of this document, however there is a document with such information that can be found in the PCMCIA-HOWTO. There is also most likely a pre-packaged version for the distribution of GNU/Linux the computer running. This step can be greatly simplified if a pre-packaged version is used.

Using the Compact Flash PC Card Adapter:

Create a directory to mount the Compact Flash Card to.

mkdir /flashcard

Insert the Compact Flash Card into the Compact Flash PC Card Adapter (both should face the same direction).

Insert the Compact Flash PC Card Adapter into the PC-Card slot of the notebook computer.

Mount the Compact Flash Card PC Card Adapter to /flashcard (The Compact Flash Card PC Card Adapter is assigned its device by figuring out how many IDE controllers are on the system, and then assigning it the next device. For example, if a system were to have 2 IDE controllers, and would thus have /dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd assigned to the current controllers, the Compact Flash Card PC Card Adapter would be assigned /dev/hde1.).

mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /flashcard

From this point the files can be copied, moved, deleted, and renamed as done on a normal filesystem. Information regarding file management commands may be found in the documentation included with the OS distribution used, such as man pages. The manual pages which list the commands to use to do the above procedures can be accesses by typing the following to get the command's respective manual page entry: 'man cp', 'man mv', 'man rm'. Before removing the Compact Flash Card PC Card Adapter remember to unmount it with the following command.

umount /flashcard

The Compact Flash Card PC Card Adapter can be removed from the PC Card Reader and the Compact Flash Card and be removed from the Compact Flash Card PC Card Adapter.

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